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2022-08-12 All day
自 1960 年代,香港經歷急速的城市化發展,削弱鄉村的農耕活動。同時,在全球化之下,香港成為活躍的農產品市場,源源不絕的進口農產品,嚴重影響本地小農的生計。不過,縱使對農業萎縮的陰霾揮之不去,本地農業卻出奇地繼續吸納新的參與者,包括生產者、消費者、中間人、研究者和加工業者。他們與早期從業者和產業鏈相關的參與者靈活合作,重新建構一個與社區相關的農業系統,並從而發展出不同的參與方式。為應對全球至地區的動態變化,本地農業以充滿創造性的生存策略,來改寫脆弱卻持久的小農系統。這些在地實踐經驗對於如何建構一個可持續的糧食網絡,非常值得深入探討及思考。與其他國際案例比較,更能集各家所長,應對全球各種挑戰。
有見及此,香港有機生活發展基金 SEED及 香港城市大學東南亞研究中心 (Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC))將合辦「糧食與可持續發展:本地糧食系統,糧食政策與全球協作」國際研討會,並由 香港農業3.0團隊全力支持。我們將邀請各地從事糧食研究的學者和踐行者,由四大議題角度出發,包括:亞洲可持續糧食生產;重新審視小農農耕:走向新型食品環境和經驗;食物供應鏈:市場,銷售和社會可持續性;食品政策,可持續城市環境和全球合作,通過比較各種案例,重新思考全球糧食體系各種危害或不利於可持續性的問題和限制,共同探討如何成就一個更可持續的食物生產系統。
是次研討會以Zoom 線上會議形式進行,會議主要以英語及國語進行,並同步提供廣東話及英文頻道的即時傳譯,誠邀農夫、農業從業者、機構及組織者各界人士參與,一起探討可持續農業發展的方向。
時間:8:30 – 22:00 (香港時間)
形式:Zoom 線上會議 I 直播現場:香港城市大學楊建文學術樓4樓12號演講廳
【International Conference: Food and Sustainability】
Since the 1960s, Hong Kong has experienced rapid urbanization and development which undermines its rural agricultural activities. Embracing the globalized agricultural supply chain, Hong Kong is currently one of the most vibrant agro-food markets. Such situations have seriously challenged local smallholding farmers’ livelihoods. While the mainstream pessimism concerning agricultural decline persists, the local agricultural sector surprisingly continues to attract newcomers, including producers, consumers, middlepeople, researchers, and processors. They flexibly work together with the early practitioners and stakeholders, who stay in the supply chain with various roles and strategies, to reconstruct a community-relevant agriculture system and to develop different means of engagement. The sector thus responds to the global-local dynamics by deploying creative livelihood strategies and transforming the fragile yet persistent smallholding system.
The SEED ( 香港有機生活發展基金 SEED ) and City University (Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC)) proposes a conference “ Food and Sustainability: Local food system, food policy and global engagement”, which is supported by Agri3.0 team (香港農業3.0) .
We invite specialists and practitioners of smallholding agriculture from the other parts of the world to share their experience about sustainable food production in Asia, small-holding agriculture revisited , food supply chain: and food policy to build sustainable urban environment, and global partnership.
This conference will be conducted via zoom in English or Putonghua, and simultaneous interpretation to Cantonese and English will be provided. We sincerely invite farmers, agriculture practitioners, agriculture organizations, and public to join, and explore the possibility of sustainable agriculture development,
“ Food and Sustainability: Local food system, food policy and global engagement”,
Date:12 Aug, 2022 (Fri)
Time: 8:30-22:00 (Hong Kong Time)
Format: Zoom Webinar or on-site in LT12, Yeung Kin Man Building, City University of Hong Kong
Fee: Free of charge
Registration Link:
English registration form :https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/food-and-sustainability-local-f…
Chinese registration form:https://forms.gle/Tdrhc6W9QNTTaJJa9
